
"Kuza" comes from the Swahili word "kua" which means grow or to grow. As Dance Mtaani we understand the importance of growth in the dance community. We believe that growth is not only in the number of dancers but also in the quality of the dance.

Grow takes time...

Project Kuza was created for the purpose of providing safe spaces for dancers. We understand how hard it is for dancers to find spaces to practice and perfect their craft. This might be due to lack of finances or lack of accessible spaces. Such challenges affect the growth of dancers and the dance community as a whole. There is also a challenge of accessing legit dance knowledge. Through Project Kuza, we are able to help dancers by:

  • Hosting free weekly cyphers where dancers get explore and jam with each other
  • Hosting a mock freestyle battle every month so that dancers can gain experience in battling.
  • Hosting freestyle specific sessions once a month.
  • Organizing free workshops every quarter in order to share knowledge with dancers